Friday, 23 September 2016

I Needed A Skin Test, Not Permanent Tattoos!

I Needed A Skin Test, Not Permanent Tattoos!

Did a Skin Test today. They had to use black markers to mark the area when they put the lotion for skin analysis. I didn't think much of the markings and went back home happily after the test.

Little did I know. After a full shower plus additional shower foam and hand soap on my arm, the markings are still fairly visible. Yipes! I didn't ask for a permanent tattoo. My rebellious days are over. Yes, they will probably go away after a few more washings/days but I decided to test it out with my essential oils. #TheScientistInMe

I used a little Lemon essential oil dripped directly on the marker stains. After that, just gently clean it off with a piece of tissue. No hard rubbings needed. Lemon oil rocks!

Had to enlist the help of my son to take pictures for me. Thank you Jayden! :)

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
1st Picture: Stubborn marker marks still visible after full shower plus extra shower foam and hand wash.

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved. 
2nd picture: After I tested using Lemon essential oil on just 1 side of my left arm (on top of photo). The stains where I tested with Lemon essential oil are gone!

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved. 

Last picture: Used Lemon essential oil for both arms. Fuss-free ink stain free arms.

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Friday, 2 September 2016

Happy Teacher's Day!

Happy Teacher's Day!

When you have a blur sotong mummy like Moi, it means birthdays and important dates are often forgotten until it's too late to go out and buy a thoughtful gift. Yup, I can still go out and grab anything which is available but it's just not the same. Every year I remind myself to prepare presents for teachers early so that I do not need to scramble for them last minute.
Success rate=Not Good!

Teacher's Day presents are a must for me personally. It's not easy teaching my child. Trust Me, I know! I am most grateful that my son's teachers have been all so patient with him despite his learning difficulties.

Thanks to Young Living, I now have a horde of essential oils on hand. After discussing with my boy, we decided to DIY our own Mosquito Repellent for the beloved teachers. Refer to my earlier post on DIY Mosquito Repellent. Blur mummy even has to ask for some blank gift cards from my Oiling Buddy @Xavvy-licious for son to pen a few words! They are so pretty and useful! I need to get some Serene! :)

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

Viola! Personally, I felt that this is one of the most useful gifts at the moment. We want to protect our children and family members from Aedes Mosquito threat. Same should be done for the teachers, whom we love as family as well.

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

Zika Virus has started spreading in Singapore. We are now being mocked as "Zikapore". Other than doing our part to practise the Mozzie Wipeout diligently at home. We should also protect ourselves with plenty of mosquito repellents, wear clothing to cover our body, arms and legs.

To be super realistic however, in this hot weather, unless we move from aircon to aircon environment, it's impossible to wear clothes to cover our entire body. I barely walked 5 minutes out of the house in shorts and tee and would already be covered in sweat. 20 minutes walk to & fro to school to pick my boy, I would have lost a cup of water. Drink up, my friends!

It's a long term fight against those dreaded mosquitoes. It's not going to go away suddenly. I rather use all natural and plant-based repellents for my loved ones. No telling what will happen if we use those chemical-infused bug repellent for long periods of time. We may have another new epic skin problem coming up?

Moreover, bug repellent has been out of stock recently in stores since Zika hit Singapore. It is super reassuring as I can make my own bug repellent easily from home. No stress!

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

So glad that I have been using Citronella* Essential Oil as one of the ingredients in my bug spray. It was featured in the Straits Times Paper recently too. Refer to picture below. It may not be as long-lasting as Deet-infused products BUT it's chemical-free! Just be sure to re-apply regularly. Like once every 2 hours.

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
Stay safe my friends!

*Citronella essential oil is currently only available for purchase in Young Living USA.

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Thursday, 1 September 2016

Young Living SG Promotion for September 2016

Young Living SG Promotion for September 2016

September is here in a flash. *knuckles to mouth*

It used to be a month full of cakes; Birthday cakes, pancakes & mooncakes etc, as it's my son's and my birthday month! I now no longer celebrate birthdays after the age of 30 & shall remain 30 forever more! *Hand to heart* LOL

YLSG Sep16 Member Promo

Member perks details are out. Great deal or what? Free ImmuPower at 270PV, add 2 bottles of Ningxia Red (NXR) at 370PV, and a set of ART Skin Care System at 470PV. I'm overflowing with happiness.

I have talked about both ImmuPower and NXR in my older posts. You can click the labels 'ImmuPower' and 'NXR' to check the posts on them. I can't wait to try ART Skin Care System, been wanting to redeem with my rebate points. Now I can get them for free at 470PV. Happy Birthday to me!

New Essential Rewards (ER) Upgrade for members. There is now an Early Bird Gift monthly to all members who process their ER between the 1st to 15th of each month. For the month of September, the early bird gift is a bottle of 5ml Release EO!

  • ImmuPower - Boost Immunity. Helps body to repair cells and is highly antiseptic.
  • Ningxia Red - Boost immunity, energy levels and eye power. Good as a replacement for fizzy drinks.
  • ART Skin Care System - Safely and effectively cleanses, tones and moisturises our face. The set consists of a Cleanser, Toner and Light Moisturiser.
  • Early Bird Gift: 5ml Release - A blend created to release anger and memory trauma from the liver to balance our emotional well-being.
Quarterly Gifts has also been given a boost. Exact information will be shared on my blog once the details are out.

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?
