Sunday, 8 May 2016

Respiratory Oils for Child

Respiratory Oils For Children

My son, Jayden, has sinus issues since young. Like his Daddy, he will start sneezing every morning when he first gets out of bed. He will also get a Cold, Flu or Congestion every time after water play or swimming. My visits to the Paediatrician is as often as visiting my local cinema. I can make wantons very well too. Loads and loads of tissue papers. Achoo! You can probably imagine the rest.

R.C essential oil is for all symtoms related to respiratory control. It's my best friend. I am so grateful to have found it that I am ready to kiss Dr Gary Young if I do meet him! (On the cheeks of course, else my hub will kill me! LOL) I will apply on his chest every morning and also each time after his water play or swimming sessions. You can also apply on foot, padded area beneath the toes (refer to the Foot VitaFlex in my photo) or diffuse. Always exercise caution when you first try any new oils. I can apply Neat on my child doesn't mean that you can too. Please do a test patch or dilute with V6. Safest way of using will always be to diffuse or apply on foot.  I see less running nose therafter and less visits to the Paediatrician. After his respiratory issues got under control, I began to work on improving his immunity. See my earlier blog post on boosting kids immunity.

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
One fine day, R.C went out of stock at Young Living Singapore. Imagine my horror! As usual, no spares for me as I thought I can always get the oils whenever I need them. Fortunately, fellow oilers shared that there are other alternatives to R.C for supporting our respiratory system. I experimented abit and found that Dorado Azul and Raven do work for my child as well. Now I have the joy of being able to rotate the oils around for a change. Sometimes, I'll just leave it to Jayden to decide which respiratory oil he wants.

Faith Teo, from the 'Let's Add Oil' Facebook group also shared recently that Myrtle, Eucalyptus Radiata and Ravintsara are good oils to try for our children. I do love listening to her videos online. She's always so willing to share. Unfortunately, Eucalyptus Radiata is out of stock at Young Living SG. I have ordered Myrtle and Ravintsara (from Young Living USA) recently.Once I get to try the oils will definitely do another writeup to share! :)

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


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