Friday, 29 April 2016

Young Living SG Promotion for May 2016

Young Living SG Promotion for May 2016

Woohoo! Member promotion details are out. Think Singapore office also can sense that mummies like ME need help with coping with Semestral Examinations.

I super love the freebie oils this month. Brain Power and Frankincense are must-haves for my child. Other two oils are new to me, can't wait to have the chance to try them out. Ledum, like JuvaCleanse, is a liver cleanse and Idaho Balsam Fir is a great oil for Respiratory Support.
YLSG May16 Member Promo
There is always a great emphasis on celebrating Mother's Day. April has a lot of oils on sale for our beloved mums. Let's not forget our wonderful daddies. May 2016 is the time to pass some LOVE to our fathers and hubby. Check out the promotional sets for our Men below.

YLSG May16 Promo

Personally I am really interested on the Extreme Relief Set, Mental Power Set and Stress-Free Set. What's your favourite?

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Thursday, 28 April 2016

Sharing At Our Local School

I was really blessed to have a chance to do a roadshow at a local secondary school on 27th April 2016. My good pal Serene, who is also my upline in Young Living, readily agreed to back me up on this. Sharing with strangers still does not come easy to me after all this time. Yes, I know I have to get out of my comfort zone. Lol!

Verdict? It was fun to chat with everyone who dropped by. We chatted on essential oils, nutrition and personal wellness, and made many new friends! Just a few hours and we were bushed. Talking non-stop was not easy. But it was a few great hours of adult conversation for a SAHM mummy. I'm sure quite a few SAHM mummies will agree with me.

Below are a few photos I took of the sharing session. Keen to invite us down for a coporate sharing? Do drop me an email. Private sharings are welcome too if you have a minimum of 4 folks.

Have fun oiling!

"There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met."
           ~William Butler Yeats

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Tuesday, 26 April 2016

My Rust Eater

My Rust Eater

"Stainless steel dish rack and porcelain sauce plate used to live in harmony. After a period of time, porcelain sauce plate picked a  fight with stainless steel dish rack. Sauce plate lost and there was a lot of bleeding. Can you guess what that is?"

Rust! It's on my sauce plates which I left to dry on the dish rack. And to think the dish rack was supposed to be stainless steel. Yes, I'm lazy. I don't always keep my plates into the kitchen cabinets immediately once they are dried. Uggh! No matter how hard I scrubbed with my Mama Lemon Dishwashing Liquid, the rust stains wouldn't come off. I really thought that was the end of my sauce plates. They were going to Mr Bin for sure.

I had a sudden idea to use my Lemon essential oil for a final try before I throw in the towel. It worked! Look at my picture of before and after Lemon oil. I am ecstatic. :)
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

Here's what I did. I dripped a few drops of Lemon Oil onto the rust stains and left the sauce plates alone for about 20 minutes. After that, I just wash them again with a sponge and dishwashing liquid. It's now sparkly clean, no brute force needed!

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Sunday, 24 April 2016

Oils To Support Kids' Immunity

Oils To Support Kids Immunity

Question: What oil would you suggest for supporting kids immunity?

When I first started using Young Living essential oils about 2-3 years ago, my standard answer was Thieves! Yup, that has always prove to be effective for my boy. I see more instances where my kid is still going on strong when his peers are down with common flu, cough, fever etc.

I would apply Thieves essential oil on the soles of his feet twice a day. In the morning before he goes to school and at night, before bedtime. Thieves oil is Hot! So please don't apply on your child's body without heavy dilution.

Then one day, Thieves oil went Out of Stock at Young Living Singapore Office for a while and I didn't have any at home! My bad! I didn't plan ahead. I usually do not keep any spare bottles at home, preferring to order immediately when the oils are reaching bottom. They are not cheap for a SAHM you know.

Panic mode. What to do? I was lucky to be in a private chat group with a group of mummies who were using YL EOs for their kids and family. Many had shared that there are actually other oils which supports immunity. I want to share a few personal favourites with all of you.
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

  • Thieves - Yes, that's my first love. I started with Thieves, RC and Peppermint as recommended by my friend. My oil collection only keep increasing since then. :)  Thieves is a blend highly antiviral essential oils like Clove, Lemon and Eucalyptus Radiata.
  • Lemon & Thieves - For an added boost, I like to layer Lemon oil with Thieves on feet. Especially in the morning before school. Lemon is an immune stimulant and helps to improve memory. Plus, it smells great!
  • ImmuPower - If Thieves is out of stock or you really can't bear the smell of Thieves, this is the one to go for. But bear in mind that YL EOs is not about smelling great. If that is important to you, best to turn to the perfume/fragrance industry. Some of the EOs found in ImmuPower are Ravintsara, Frankincense, Clove and Oregano which will strengthen immunity and DNA repair in cells.
  • Basil - This is really a much cheaper but equally effective alternative. That is you dun mind smelling like spaghetti. The smell will dissipate after a while. Personally, I love the smell of Basil and I also have a few pots of Basil plants at home. Basil is antiviral and anti-inflammatory and the fragrance can help to fight mental fatigue.
I am sure there are other essential oils which will support immunity. I'm still exploring myself. Do take time to invest in a good book like the Essential Oils Desk Reference which will list out the uses and properties of all the Young Living Essential Oils. Share with me as you embark on your own oiling journey too!

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Saturday, 23 April 2016

Durian Feast No More!

Durian Feast No More!

If you are living in Singapore, then you are no stranger to the King of the Island. I'm referring to the fruit, my beloved Durian! Woe to those who craves for the fruit but folks in our surrounding can barely tolerate it. I'm one of the unlucky ones. My husband hates the smell of it. So no eating durian in any form in his presence and I better brush my teeth umpteen times and swish with mouthwash if I don't want to spend my night in the living room :p

Whenever it's in season, we can smell the aroma anywhere! Oooh, how can I resist? Ok, I admit I'm weak-willed. I can never resist buying a box to indulge myself whenever hub is not around. The pungent smell will fill the whole house thereafter. Deep trouble! Deeper trouble if the hub is coming back in 30 minutes time.

@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.
Tried and tested. Immediately, I'll diffuse the Young Living Purification oil. Within minutes, the durian smell will be gone and the house will smell fresh with faint lemongrass smell. None the wiser, husband comes home and does not complain that someone had taken durian in the house again.

Purification Oil is a blend of Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) and Myrtle. Most of the oils in this blend have antibacterial or antifungal properties. Lemongrass is purifying as well.

It can also be used to eliminate the stale oil odour if mum is frying fish or chicken in the kitchen. Definitely, an essential oil I can't run out of. Try it and you'll be nodding your head.

How to use? Diffuse is the way to go. No diffuser? You can choose to drip a few drops of Purification oil to some cotton balls and throw it in the corners of the house.

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Sunday, 17 April 2016

Mummy Experiencing Exam Stress?

Mummy Experiencing Exam Stress?

Think I must be losing it. For the first time in 3 years since kid started primary school, I actually did this.

Rrr-ring! Checked my phone and realised it's 6.50am. Boy, are we screwed. Late for school on Monday morning. I quickly woke my son up. Hearing my freaked out voice, he woke up instantly.

Hubby woke up in all the commotion. "But today is Sunday you know?!" Embarrassment and guilt sank in slowly. So going to be the butt of hubby's joke for the rest of the year. Super guilty that I woke my son unnecessarily. He was like super blur and we had to coax him back to sleep.

After making fun of me the whole Sunday morning, hubby and I talked postmortem. The only logical explanation is I must be suffering from child's mid year examination stress. I distinctly heard an alarm ring when my alarms are set to work only during the weekdays. Actually his actual words in Hokkien were I "ki siao liao", which translates to gone crazy in English.

Time to whip out my Stress Away essential oil. It's a gentle oil for kids and adults to relieve everyday stress and promotes relaxation. Stress Away is a blend consisting of Lime, Cedarwood and Lavender.
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

  • Lime- Can refresh and stimulate a tired mind.
  • Cedarwood- High in sesquiterpenes, which can help to stimulate the brain, emotions and memory. It also stimulates the pineal gland to release melatonin, improving thoughts and cognition.
  • Lavender- Improves concentration, maintains peace and tranquillity.
 How to use? Can diffuse or apply on temples, neck or wrists.

I love the smell of Stress Away. Let's hope I survive the next 2 weeks.

Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?


Saturday, 16 April 2016

Who says Young Living journey is mostly about kids?

Who says Young Living journey is mostly    about kids? 

I started using Young Living essential oils like how most mummies with kids started. Child started going to school and immunity took a sudden plunge big time. Visits to the PD were as common as visiting the Zoo (I do that a lot as my boy loves animals!). Out came my friend who introduced to me the Young Living therapeutic oils. Verdict: Happy child settling in school. Bushed out mummy from the never-ending tasks and oiling regime. Sounds familiar? 
By this time, I had been on the YL journey for more than a year. Yes, I am guilty of always looking for or trying out the best oils for my child. Sudden revelation. What about me? Why am I not using these wonderful essential oils for myself? Being part of One Droppers, I signed myself up for a class on Raindrop Technique (RDT) conducted by Kai. Ever a curious bunny, I volunteered to be the one on the massage bed to demo the massage techniques. 
@MyOilyFunScoops. All Rights Reserved.

During the demo, to be super honest, I was tensed. Picture yourself semi-naked in a roomful of strangers. NOT my most comfy massage experience. Kai was really gentle and I was then able to enjoy the experience of having the oils on my foot and back. I felt revitalised after the massage but I couldn't say it was any different with the other massages I have had before. 
Boy, was I wrong! I was able to have a good night's sleep after it eluded me for a long, long time. Some history. Oh, I could fall asleep. But very often I'll wake up after 3-4 hours. Imagine you wake up at 4am, I have to be up by 6am. Do I continue sleeping or not? I try to fall asleep, in 2 hours the alarm will ring. I'll be a zombie. I give up sleeping, I'll be a zombie. Either way, I just can't win.

Problem, I can't massage on myself on the back. Hubby is definitely not going to volunteer willingly. Thus, I was left with the Foot VitaFlex. Happy to share that it work just as well. Just a simple 'Pad, Tip, Nail' method and you are well oiled in 10 minutes. I did the regime every day for 2 weeks. Currently, I only do Foot VitaFlex with the Raindrop oils once fortnightly or whenever I feel the bug catching on to me. Trick is to line the essential oils in a row with the caps unscrewed.
Try it. You might just fall in love with it.
         Interested to try the essential oils featured in my post?        
